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Posts Tagged ‘hip displacement

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Angels’ Glow will eliminate unsightly tear stains from within. Other products that are topical require high maintenance and will only remove the stains temporarily causing them to come back many times worse than before. Just sprinkle Angels’ Glow daily on regular food. After 3 months, reduce to 4 times a week. After 6 months, reduce further to twice a week.  Puppies (up to 3 months): 1/8 tsp. daily  Dogs 8 to 12 lbs: 3/4 tsp. daily  Dogs 2 to 5 lbs: 1/4 tsp. daily  Dogs 12 lbs & up: 1 tsp. daily  Dogs 5 to 8 lbs: 1/2 tsp. daily Each 30 gr. bottle contains approximately 108 dosages of 1/8 of a tsp, 54 dosages of ¼ of a tsp, 27 dosages of ½ a tsp., 18 dosages of ¾ tsp, or 13.5 dosages of 1 tsp. Each 120 gr. bottle has approximately 432 dosages of 1/8 of a tsp, 216 dosages of ¼ of a tsp, 108 dosages of ½ a tsp, 72 dosages of ¾ tsp, or 54 dosages of 1 tsp. As you keep trimming the stained areas, the newly grown coat will be totally clear. The growth pattern of your dog’s coat will determine if it will be completely tear stains free anywhere from 15 to 40 days. Angels’ Glow is very palatable but in rare cases, dogs and cats may resent changes in their food and will not eat enough. If this happens, we suggest reducing the daily dosage to 1/16 of a teaspoon or even a tiny pinch. You can add Angels Glow to a small portion of Nutri-Cal, cottage cheese, Gerber Baby Food Stage 2 (any meat flavor), cooked ground beef or chicken, or your dogs favorite treat. Give it once a day as a separate snack. Slightly increase the dosage every few days until you reach the prescribed amount according to your dogs weight. Angels’ Glow is safe during pregnancy and for puppies over 6 weeks old.

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If your dog is an outside dog  or left out while you are away, you can be sure to keep them warm and dry with this snap together dog house. No tools required. Just snap together and your best friend will have a place to hang out when your not around.


Product Description
Easy snap together assemble, no tools required.

Product Description
29″ x 37″ x 31″, Large, Deluxe Dog House For Dogs Up To 100 LB, Easy Snap Together Assembly, Durable Resin Construction, Vents Provide Air Circulation, Removable Roof For Easy Cleaning, Crowned Floor With Channel Around Inside Edge To Capture Fluids & Keep Pet Dry, Can Be Staked To Ground, Vinyl Doors Included & You Can Personalize House With Your Dogs Name Letters Included

Available at

Available at

New book is out that explains canine cognitive dysfunction in a practical and easy to read format. It explains the symptoms of this disorder and what you can do as the dog’s human to make them more comfortable in their declining years.

The book also comes with a comprehensive veternarian term dictionary that will allow you to talk with your vet and understand what they are talking about. The book also give strategies on dealing with getting lost, sleeping schedules, sight loss, sense loss, and agression. It is a must for the owner of the senior dog.

For more information visit the amazon site by clicking HERE.

When your dog gets older it may start showing signs that their house training is going away. This is a symptom of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, but it is also a symptom of many other disorders or ailments. Your dog may have been very well housetrained but in their twilight years, they may be having more accidents. This does not mean that your dog has CCD, but could have a plethora of other issues that could cause them to behave in such a fashion. Look at all other disorders before you and your vet decide that Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is a possibility.

This may start with simple urination. Some dogs will stand by the door waiting to get out and just can’t hold it anymore. They will stand and urinate right by the back door. This is embarrassing the first time or two that it happens and most dogs will show regret or even fear. Don’t scold them. This will only add to their anxiety and cause them to fear you. Love them and tell them it is okay. If the problem is truly medical in nature, the dog will start dribbling more often when it is time to go outside.

The problem could get worse and the house training could totally go outside the window. Take your dog to a vet and have him checked out for other problems such as a kidney disorder or an ailment that would keep them from urinating outside. Sometimes an older dog will not want to go outside in the winter because the weather is too severe for them or the cold makes their joints hurt. There could also be an environmental phobia outside in which you do not know of. Wind or loud noises could be affecting your dog and they fear going outside especially at night.

If you do not find anything wrong with your dog and your older dog is showing other signs of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, then you might want to ask the vet if this is the problem. Other symptoms of CCD can include getting lost or wandering around aimlessly, snapping or biting, or other behavior changes. If your dog is exhibiting more than one symptom of CCD then it is time to think about making their life easier. Make them more comfortable and have a lot of patience. Ask your vet for medicines that will let them live a happier life.


Environmental phobias can cause your dog to behave differently than when the stimuli are not present. An environmental phobia could be something as simple as thunder or rain. If your dog whines or behaves differently, do not worry. Check and see what is causing the behavior.

For example, a Jack Russell terrier is usually a tenacious breed that is not afraid of anything. If that same brave little dog starts to hide, cry, or seek undo attention from the owner, then there could be an environmental issue around. One such instance of a Jack Russell being afraid was smoke. Every time there was cook out or the owner burned something in the stove, the poor dog would go in the basement and was afraid to come out.

If your dog is older, some people will take this type of behavior change and associate it with Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. Behavior change is only a symptom of the disorder and environmental causes the same symptoms. Your older dogs hearing might be going and the sound of thunder might have them confused. The frequencies that they hear may be different and they don’t know how to compensate for the change. They will react out of fear and with fear comes behavioral changes.

Other phobias might include a fear of water. This is heart breaking for hunters when there bird dogs suddenly fear the water. This fear may arise when the dog feels like they may not be able to swim as well as they used to. Their body is stiffer and they may suffer from joint pain. This situation would lend itself as dangerous in their minds and the fear would be natural. That is why it is imperative to find the stimulus to the fear and not look at other things until you do.

Other fears that might affect the behavior in your canine can range from fire, allot of movement around them, or just new people. Remember with fear usually comes aggression. Your dog’s behavior can change dramatically with fear. They just don’t know how to react and the flight or fight behavior that they are born with comes out. If you do find the stimulus of your dog’s behavior and you can’t remove it, be patient with your dog and help them through their stressful times. Comfort them and let them know everything is alright. If the stimulus can’t be found, then it is time to look at other reasons for the environmental fear.

Behavior can be a symptom of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction but it is also a manifestation of several other causes. Of course, the senior dog is going to have some behavior problems and those causes should be looked at before the diagnosis. Some important behavior differentials may include obsessive compulsive disorders. Your dog may be obsessed with the amount of food in their bowl or will only use the restroom in one area of the yard. Your dog may behave differently because of separation anxiety. When you are away from home, they may be suffering from separation anxiety and destroy things that they would not normally destroy.  For more information on Canine Cognitive Dysfunction please visit:

So how do you know when your dog has or could have Canine Cognitive Dysfunction? He may have one symptom or may have many. A diagnosis should be made if your dog has multiple symptoms across the spectrum or in one category. If a dog is showing just one of the symptoms, then you should try to find the ailment and not go with the disorder. Typically in most dogs, the symptoms are multiple. It is also unlikely that aggression will be a sole sign of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. Aggression is a very broad sign and could be caused by anything from a disease, impaired vision

For more information on Canine Cognitive Dysfunction please visit

Pain is a huge stimulus that will cause your pet to change their behavior. They may become more irritable or even aggression may rear its ugly head. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction will not cause pain, but your pet could be more prone to hurt themselves. If they are going deaf or blind, most dogs can compensate for the change, but if Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is involved, then they may not be able to compensate for their loss. If your dog is not losing their hearing or their sight and they are bumping into things or getting lost, then Canine Cognitive Dysfunction may be in the picture.

Canine Cognitive Dysfunction is a diagnosis of exclusion which means that it cannot be confirmed in your dog to after death. That means you need to look for other causes that might be linked to your best friend’s issues. Other medical conditions can manifest symptoms that are similar to Canine Cognitive Dysfunction. A tumor or other central neurological disease can be the cause or any disease that affects the entire nervous system such as kidney or liver disease. Diabetes is another issue that can cause such symptoms. If your dog is suffering from a disorder that limits oxygen to the brain the same occurrence can happen.

When you are looking at your dog’s health problems you need to look at both behavioral and medical issues. This would lead you to look at the behavior problems as the primary issue and then the medical problems that might cause the behavior. These medical problems might look like Canine Cognitive Dysfunction, but they can mimic them quite well. It will take your vet to rule out medical condition and both a neurological and physical examination is required. Your vet will see the changes in the neurological exam and will be able to tell you if the behaviors are caused by neurological damage or disorders.